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John's Room
Our second toddler room is situated on the first floor and holds o total of 8 children with a child:staff ratio of 4:1.
Your child will be allocated a new key person who will be your child's main carer.
The early years framework continues in this room.
This enables the children to benefit from interesting and stimulating activities, giving them the opportunity to develop their language through books, stories and nursery rhymes.
Each child shall be treated as an individual and activities shall be designed to ensure each child's needs are met.
We will spend a lot of time encouraging the children to start to count, teaching them their colours and shapes.
There is a range of stimulating toys available, along with music, singing, sand/water, arts and crafts on a daily basis.
Toilet training and social skills play a big part in this room and we ask that you provide knickers/pants with plenty of extra clothes for those little accidents.
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